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Tell Your Story To A Weapons Charges Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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Weapons Charges

Weapons charges in Oklahoma are serious and require experienced defense attorneys. If you’ve been charged with a weapons charge, our criminal lawyers can help.

Violent crime charges involving guns, assault rifles and other weapons are not limited to commercially made weapons. Under Oklahoma law, a gun is described as any combustible weapon that projects any object through any explosion. A gun or pistol has a barrel less than 16 inches and a rifle has a barrel of 16 inches or longer. If you are facing a gun charge, weapons charge or assault rifle charge in Oklahoma City, contact Oklahoma Legal Center today. We have experienced criminal defense attorneys on our side that can review your case today.

Guns, Weapons & Assault Rifles in Oklahoma

Weapons charges in Oklahoma can include being arrested for unlawfully purchasing, selling or distributing weapons. In Oklahoma, weapons charges can carry severe penalties, including jail time, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record. Common types of weapons charges include the following:

    • Shooting with intent to kill – When a person intentionally and wrongfully shoots another person, or discharges any kind of firearm, with the intent to kill that person
    • Pointing a firearm – When a person unlawfully and intentionally points a shotgun, pistol, rifle, or any other type of firearm at another person with the intention of threatening, injuring or intimidating that person
    • Robbery with a firearm (armed robbery) – When a person attempts to take money or property from another person or business by force or fear while using a firearm
    • Possession of a firearm while committing a felony – When a person is in possession of a firearm while in the process of committing a felony, even if the firearm isn’t actually used to commit the felony
    • Unlawful possession of a firearm – When a person wrongfully and intentionally possesses a firearm in violation of Oklahoma law
    • Possession of a firearm after former felony conviction – Any person who has been convicted of a felony in Oklahoma, and who has not received a full pardon, is specifically prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm

Penalties for Weapons Charges in Oklahoma

Oklahoma is a “shall-issue” state, which means a concealed or open-carry weapon permit will be issued to individuals who have successfully completed a safety course by a licensed instructor, and will be valid for a period of five years. The following is a comprehensive list of Oklahoma weapons violations and corresponding penalties:

        • Administrative penalty (a minor in possession of a firearm on school property) – Fine of up to $200 and 40 hours of community service
        • Misdemeanor (unlawfully carrying a deadly weapon, concealed or unconcealed) – Up to 30 days in jail and a fine of between $100 and $250; second offense is punishable by 30 to 90 days in jail and a fine of between $250 and $500
        • Misdemeanor (failing to disclose to police that you are carrying a concealed weapon after being detained) – Up to 90 days in jail and fine of up to $500
        • Misdemeanor offense (engaging in reckless conduct while carrying a firearm; transporting a loaded weapon over a public roadway) – Up to six months in jail and a fine of between $50 and $500
        • Felony (carrying a deadly weapon with the intent to harm; carrying a deadly weapon onto school property) – Up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000

Consult Our Defense Lawyers for Help

If you are facing a gun charge, weapons charge or assault rifle charge in Oklahoma City, contact the criminal defense law firm of Oklahoma Legal Center today. The outcome of your case may depend on the qualifications of your criminal defense attorney, and our lawyers have extensive experience protecting the legal rights of Oklahomans arrested on weapons charges. Contact our skilled defense lawyers immediately to improve your chances of receiving a positive outcome in your case.

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