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Criminal Sentencing Guidelines For Sex Crime Convictions in Oklahoma

Don’t let a sex crime conviction affect the rest of your life. Consult our criminal defense attorneys for legal guidance.

As lawmakers across the United States establish more stringent penalties for sex offenses in an effort to crack down on sex-related crimes, Oklahoma has become known as a state that has “gotten tough” on crimes like rape, child molestation, child pornography and sexual assault. The following information should be regarded as mere guidelines related to Oklahoma criminal sentencing though – if you are facing charges for a sex crime in Oklahoma, contact our skilled defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center for experienced legal counsel related to your individual case. With the help of our qualified criminal defense team, you can explore possible defense strategies and fight to protect your legal rights and personal freedoms.

Felony Criminal Sentencing in OK

Under Oklahoma law, felony crimes, sex-related or not, carry more severe penalties than misdemeanor offenses. When an individual is convicted of a felony sex crime in Oklahoma, he or she may face two possible scenarios when it comes to criminal sentencing.

  • Probationary Penalty – In some cases of sex crimes in Oklahoma, even if a person is convicted of a felony offense, he or she may be granted probation. Probation under these circumstances typically requires the defendant to serve up to one year in county jail, followed by a period of probation, during which he or she is under close supervision by law enforcement authorities.
  • Prison Term Penalty – If a person is convicted of a felony offense in Oklahoma and is dealt a prison term to be served in the state penitentiary, Oklahoma criminal sentencing guidelines require that either a “low,” “middle,” or “high” category of prison term be delivered. These penalties can range from one year in prison to life in prison without the possibility of parole. In the most serious cases, the defendant may be sentenced to the death penalty.

Misdemeanor Criminal Sentencing in Oklahoma

Misdemeanors by nature are considered less serious offenses, and are therefore punishable by less harsh penalties in Oklahoma. If you are convicted of a misdemeanor offense for a sex crime in the state of Oklahoma, you may be sentenced to serve up to one year in the county jail, followed by probation. Under Oklahoma law, there are other options for misdemeanor criminal sentencing that may or may not involve jail time, including required rehabilitation and restitution. If you are facing misdemeanor charges in Oklahoma, contact our skilled criminal defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss how you can possibly have your charges reduced or dropped altogether.

Hire an Experienced Defense Attorney Today

In Oklahoma, nearly every sex-related offense is classified as a felony and is punishable by life-changing penalties, with only a few exceptions in some cases. For this reason, enlisting the help of a qualified defense attorney after being charged with a sex crime in Oklahoma is critical. With an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side, you can ensure that your defense is as strong as possible, and you may even be able to get your felony charges reduced to a misdemeanor or dropped altogether. This may not always be possible, but with the expertise of our criminal defense team at Oklahoma Legal Center working for you, you can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Contact our defense team at Oklahoma Legal Center today and begin the important process of building a strong defense in your case.

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