Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Tell Your Story To A Pornography Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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Our sex crime defense attorneys fight pornography charges for clients throughout the entire state of Oklahoma.

Pornography is defined as any and all sexually explicit material intended primarily to arouse the reader, viewer, or listener. Under Oklahoma sex crime laws, illegal pornography is considered a serious sexual offense and is punished accordingly. Child pornography in particular is prosecuted as a major violation involving a minor, and with the advent of the Internet, more and more people are facing charges for pornography offenses against a child. In an effort to put a stop to serious sex crimes like pornography, Oklahoma lawmakers and local authorities are taking steps to implement harsh penalties for offenders in such cases. If you have been charged with a pornography crime in Oklahoma, contact our knowledgeable defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center immediately.

Types of Illegal Pornography

The term “pornography” includes all sexually explicit material intended primarily to arouse the reader, viewer or listener. With increasing accessibility to the Internet, the issue of pornography, particularly child pornography, has gained significant momentum across the United States. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, there are four categories of pornography that are considered illegal, including any material that may be considered:

  • Indecent
  • Harmful to minors
  • Obscene
  • Child pornography

All U.S. states, including Oklahoma, prohibit child pornography, which includes the creation or production of materials depicting minors engaged in actual or simulated sexual activity; or the publication or distribution of obscene, indecent, or harmful materials to minors. All such laws require actual knowledge, or reason to know, that the person portrayed or the recipient of the indecent, obscene or harmful material is a minor.

Penalties for Child Pornography in Oklahoma

Under Oklahoma law, the possession, distribution or manufacturing of sexually explicit images of minors is illegal. A person convicted of violating Oklahoma child pornography laws faces years in prison as well as mandatory compliance with the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registration Act. In Oklahoma, being convicted of a sex crime like pornography may carry penalties like:

  • Sex offender registration for life
  • Severe restrictions on where you can live and work
  • Incarceration
  • Significant fines

Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help

If you are facing charges for pornography or child pornography in Oklahoma, the potential success of your case rests on the expertise of your legal representation. Our knowledgeable defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center have experience handling pornography defense cases, and are also familiar with Oklahoma sex crime laws and related courtroom proceedings. With the help of our skilled criminal defense lawyers, you may be able to have your Oklahoma pornography charges reduced or possibly even dismissed altogether.

Tell Your Story To A Pornography Lawyer Now For Free ↓

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