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Oklahoma Police Increasing DUI Arrest Efforts During St. Patrick’s Day

Authorities in Oklahoma County have announced their intentions to increase police presence this weekend in an effort to crack down on drunk driving on Saturday night and early on Sunday, which is St. Patrick’s Day. Known for celebrations involving green beer and Irish car bombs, St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that many in Oklahoma …

Authorities in Oklahoma County have announced their intentions to increase police presence this weekend in an effort to crack down on drunk driving on Saturday night and early on Sunday, which is St. Patrick’s Day. Known for celebrations involving green beer and Irish car bombs, St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that many in Oklahoma and across the United States look forward to every year. Unfortunately, statistics provided by the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety indicate that more than 700 people were killed in St. Patrick’s Day accidents nationwide from 2006 to 2010, which has led to elevated DUI arrest efforts during this holiday weekend. If you have been charged with drunk driving in Oklahoma City, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, contact our DUI defense attorneys at Oklahoma Legal Center to discuss your possible defense options.

Tips to Avoid a DUI Arrest this Holiday Weekend

Saturation patrols are planned by the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s office beginning Saturday night around 10:30 a.m. and ending Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day, around 3 a.m. A DUI checkpoint will also be set up at an undisclosed location in Oklahoma County, and anyone found in violation of Oklahoma’s zero tolerance policy for driving under the influence of alcohol will be arrested on DUI charges. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways Oklahomans can enjoy their St. Patrick’s Day celebration this year and avoid putting themselves and others in harm’s way. If you are planning to consume alcoholic beverages this weekend, consider the following tips to avoid a DUI arrest in Oklahoma:

  • Designate a sober driver ahead of time and leave your car keys at home
  • Plan a safe way home before the celebration begins
  • Call a sober friend to drive you home if you have been drinking
  • Use a taxi instead of getting behind the wheel
  • Use public transportation to get home safely

Our DUI Defense Attorneys Can Help

Holidays like St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are associated with a significantly increased risk of car accidents, injuries and fatalities, often caused by driving under the influence of alcohol. Unfortunately, this means that police departments in Oklahoma and throughout the U.S. typically strengthen efforts to crack down on drunk driving before, during and shortly after these holidays, pulling over and arresting anyone they suspect of driving drunk. If you are facing charges for drunk driving in Oklahoma, don’t hesitate to protect your legal rights. Consult our reputable defense lawyers at Oklahoma Legal Center today to discuss the possibility of having your DUI charges reduced to a lesser offense or even dismissed altogether.

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